Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Gadamer amd the immediacy of art, from NDPR.
Gjesdal sees a deep tension in Gadamer's ontological hermeneutics, between dialogue and reflection and what she calls "non-dialogical world disclosure". The former she accords largely to Hegel; the latter, to Heidegger. Gadamer attempts to have his Hegel and Heidegger too and Gjesdal does not see how this is possible. She argues that there is a lack of fit between his Hegelian and his Heideggerian commitments. The Heideggerian view of truth, according to Gjesdal, "hypostasizes a notion of immediacy". It also shows a "problematic preference for pre-modern art". Though both these moments, dialogue (and reflection) and the event of truth, are important to Gadamer's account of beauty, for Gjesdal the latter finally trumps the former. On her account of Gadamer's aesthetics, "art . . . reflects . . . values that transcend the scope of critical reflection and judgment".
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