Thursday, June 11, 2015
In NDPR, Daniel L. Tate reviews Jesús Adrián Escudero's Heidegger and the Emergence of the Question of Being.
Escudero also relates Heidegger's interest in Aristotle's concept of kinesis to the problem of facticity as a problem of the movedness (Bewegtheit) of human life, in contrast to the movement (Bewegung) of physical entities. Heidegger does not conceive of kinesis as a worldly feature of entities but as the primordial movedness by which world disclosure occurs. This requires Heidegger to deconstruct the hidden tendency of Greek philosophy, including Aristotle, to reduce beings to what is present, stable, and usable. This corresponds to the understanding of being as ousia. Laying bare the ousiological presupposition of Greek ontology, Heidegger exposes the tendency to think being as a modality of presence. For Escudero this, too, relates to the hermeneutics of facticity insofar as Dasein is not reducible to what is merely present. Indeed, Dasein's way of being-towards-the-end reflects its being essentially unfinished. The kinesis distinctive of Dasein is thus the movedness involved in the uncovering of beings. But the movedness proper to disclosedness invokes Dasein's primordial temporality, which prompts Heidegger's turn from Aristotle to Kant in an effort to think time as the horizon for the manifestation of being.
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