Wednesday, July 22, 2015
At Big Think, Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala on the absence of emergency.
[O]nce we accept that the world as it is in itself is the same as the world should be for us, then we will grant mathematics and physics the task of providing a correct ontology of nature. In this way, whoever does not submit to the ongoing absence of emergency is mistaken, or worse, on the wrong side of reality — maybe even the wrong side of the border. This would not simply include philosophy, but also other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and economics, which only began and are dependent upon its observers, interpreters, and communities. And it is precisely these communities which are lost as soon as we return and submit to reality. This is why, instead of tightening the social order that accompanies reality’s absence of emergencies, it is necessary to weaken this order further because “the only emergency,” as Heidegger once said, “is the absence of emergency.”
First time I see the phrase translated with “emergency”. In Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), §54 (where the phrase comes from, if I’m not mistaking; GA65 p. 113), Heidegger wrote “damit hochste Not, die Notlosigkeit in dieser Not” In Richard Rojcewicz and Daniela Vallega-Neu translation, it is translated as “plight” (p. 90). I’ve also seen “distress”. In German, “Not” has to do with “need” ( and “necessity”, same Indo-European root), while “emergency” is about a coming-forth, coming-to-light (e-mergo). “Notfall” though is often translated as “emergency”.
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