
Wednesday, August 02, 2017

The Quietus interviews musician Ipek Gorgun.
I found it interesting you studied philosophy and wondered what relationships you found between music, particularly electroacoustic music, and things like ontology and existentialism?
IG: In terms of my thesis on Heidegger, he refers to the importance of silence, how it is based on nothings and how the existence of the being is rooted in nothingness - where the whole being emerges out of and where it ends up. Heideggarian philosophy also has implications on our daily life: according to Heidegger, when one speaks too much they might say nothing, whereas someone else's silence might mean so much more. You can say a lot by using silence: you can resist, show your acceptance or show you're criticising or disagreeing [by remaining silent]. Silence is really hard to describe because it has this ability of changing its shape and its form, and what it is fascinating for me is that silence makes silence - you don't need to push, it can just come out naturally and beautifully.

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