
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

More on sygetics.
Bearing silence is the "logic" of philosophy inasmuch as philosophy asks the basic question out of the other beginning. Philosophy seeks the truth of the essential occurrence of beyng, and this truth is the intimating-resonating concealment (the mystery) of the event (the hesitant withholding).
We can never say beyng itself immediately, especially if beyng is leaped to in the leap. For every saying arises from beyng and speaks out of the truth of beyng. All words, and thereby all logic, stand under the power of beyng. The essence of "logic" is therefore sigetics in which the essence of language is first grasped as well.
Contributions, p. 63
“Sigetic” is a rejoinder to the logical tradition, just as sigan is a counterpart to legein. “Sigetic” is an artificial term, and Heidegger warns us not to be satisfied with introducing it as a technical concept that will replace “logic” in some “system” of Heideggerian philosophy. Neither is sigetic an irrationalist rejection of logic; it does not invalidate the correctness of logic within its own domain, but this domain is limited and made possible by the domain of sigetic. Telling silence includes the logic of beingness, just as the grounding question incorporates and transforms the guiding question. In other words, the question of how be-ing essentially happens includes the search for the universal characteristics of beings, while changing the meaning of this search; in just the same way, sigetic incorporates logic.
Richard Polt, The Emergency of Being, p. 129
Surprisingly, sygetics doesn't come up in Berel Lang's Heidegger's Silence.

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