Sunday, October 21, 2018
The problem with leaders in the Sri Lanka Sunday Observer
Recently, Professor of Pharmacology Channa Jayasumana of the Rajarata University addressed the UNHRC in Geneva and gave his version of the history of Tamils in Sri Lanka. He is an eminent academic and intellectual of the Gotabaya formula one team. Corrosive influence of imagined national revival permeating acadamic institutions has happened before. Martin Heidegger, the rector of the Freiburg University under Hitler did it with a cruel honesty of conviction. In a lecture on technology the great philosopher shed all vestiges of humanity. “Agriculture is now a motorized food-industry - in essence the same as the manufacture of corpses in gas chambers and extermination camps ...” Under Hitler, universities were made exclusive preserves of the German spirit. Martin Heidegger wrote to the Ministry of Education. “We now face a real choice whether we should again provide for our German spiritual life (unseremdeutschen Geistesleben) talents and educators rooted in our soil, or whether we should surrender it once and for all to an ever-growing ‘Jewishness’ (Verjudung) in both, a broad and narrow sense” History has instructed the people of Germany. Their federal constitution has deliberately dispensed with a directly elected president.
For some nations, a directly elected president would be an improvement.

Second quote is from: "Brief an Victor Schwoerer vom 02.10.1929," in: Ulrich Sieg, Die Verjudung des deutschen Geistes, DIE ZEIT, nr. 52 vom 22. Dezember 1989, p. 50.

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