Tuesday, November 23, 2004
What is Philosophy?

Paragraph 37
Thus, if we assume that the Being of being addresses itself to philosophers to the extent that they state what being is, in so far as it is, then our discussion with philosophers must also be addressed by the Being of being. We must then ourselves, through our thinking, go to meet philosophy on the path it is traveling. Our thinking must co-respond to that which addresses the philosophers. If this co-responding is successful for us, then, in the true sense of the word, we respond to the question "What is philosophy?" The German word antworten [answer to] actually means the same as ent-sprechen [to respond]. The answer to our question is not exhausted in an affirmation which answers to the question by determining what we are to understand by the concept "philosophy." The answer is not a reply (n'est pas une response), the answer is rather the co-respndence (la correspondance) which responds to the Being of being. Yet, we should like at the same time to know what constitutes the characteristic feature of the answer in the sense of co-respondence. But everything first depends upon our attaining a corespondence before we set up a theory about it.

Being of being = Sein des Seienden
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