Sunday, July 17, 2005
die Einkehr in das Ereignis

This phrase turns up in the essay The Turning. It is first hinted at as a verbal phrase, as turning in, mixed up in the oblivion of being.
In the coming to presence of the danger there conceals itself, therefore, the possibility of a turning in which the oblivion belonging to the coming to presence of Being will so turn itself that, with this turning, the truth of the coming to presence of Being will expressly turn in-turn homeward--into whatever is.
P. 41
In a footnote, the translator expands:
"Will turn in--turn homeward--" translates einkehr. The verb einkehren means to turn in, to enter, to put up at an inn, to alight, to stay. The related noun Einkehr, translated in this essay as "in-turning," means putting up at an inn; an inn or lodging. Einkehren and Einjehr speak of a thorough being at home that yet partakes of the transiency belonging to the ongoing. Both words suggest the Heimkehr (homecoming) important in Heidegger's earlier Hölderlin essays. The allusion to a transient abiding made here in these words leads toward Heidegger's culminating portrayal of the turning within Being as a self-clearing, i.e., a self-opening-up, as which, and into which Being's own self-lighting that is a self-manifesting entering brings itself to pass.
Has Stanley Cavell already remarked on Heidegger's debt to Thomas Wolfe's Look Homeward, Angel? Just wondering.

A few pages later Heidegger writes:
The in-turning that is the lightening-flash of the truth of Being in the entering, flashing glance--insight.
When oblivion turns about, when world as the safekeeping of the coming to presence of Being turns in, then there comes to pass the in-flashing of world into the injurious neglect of the thing.
In-flashing is the disclosing coming-to-pass within Being itself. Disclosing coming-to-pass [Ereignis] is bringing to sight that brings into its own.
P. 45
I excised the intermediate bits on Enframing that aren't directly pertinent to the matter at hand, the turn in enowning.
Enowning has its innermost occurence and its widest reach in the turning.
P. 286
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