Sunday, August 21, 2005
I looked up Αγχιβασιη in my Liddell and Scott (1940--acquired after much haggling from a used bookstore. They had just returned with boxes from the local libraries' catalog deletion sales. "It's got the library's stamp on the inside cover and it's out of date; almost worthless", I told'em). They have its only occurence as Heraclitus Fragment 122 and the definition as
= amfisbhthsiV
and their definition of that word is
dispute, controversy
Which is a Heraclitean sort of a definition (life is strife, and so on). Now, I don't doubt their definition of amfisbhthsiV because they have a bunch of sources for that, but how do they know it's a synonym for Αγχιβασιη? It's not suggested by the etymology. The prefix Agci- usually means near.
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