Sunday, October 30, 2005

Pangrammaticon collates two quotes from Ezra Pound and Heidegger that hint about metaphysics and man.

However, I couldn't find that quote in B&T, but I did find this one:
Dasein is an entity which is in each case I myself; its Being is in each case mine.
Heidegger calls this just a (formal?) indication, and then tries to seperate this Being, the "I", that is Dasein, from the Cartesian subject, gazing out into a world of objects, as is the case with metaphysics. To wit:
It could be that the "who" of everyday Dasein just is not the "I myself".
P. 150
As Jean Grodin indicates:
[W]ithout this opening, this fulguration of Being would not take place. However, man does not control this fulguration. He is there (hence the term Da-sein), he belongs to it, for he himself is a sudden emergence, a rest-less unfolding in the opening of the present. This is Heidegger's fundamental experience.
P. 26
That fulguration of being, of course, being enowning.
Sorry about that. Wrong page reference on my post. It's actually on H. 41--the first two sentences of ยง9. I use the Macquarrie and Robinson translation.
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