Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Peregrind posts a Fredric Jameson critique:
Heidegger’s "field path" is, after all, irredeemably and irrevocably destroyed by late capital, by the green revolution, by neocolonialism and the megalopolis, which runs its superhighways over the older fields and vacant lots and turns Heidegger’s "house of being" into condominiums, if not the most miserable unheated, rat-infested tenement buildings.
Bad, bad capitalism. Yesterday's field path is today's bike path. Not like those collective farms. Now they knew how manage paths, comrades. All the way to the gulags, they went.
Nice trick, turning language into a condo. Probably makes it a bit awkward to have a conversation, what with the giant steel beams and all poking into your verbs and nouns.
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