Monday, January 09, 2006

Cathartic Heat notes that Chrisitanity is not blind faith:
For Heidegger, faith is 'absolutely the mortal enemy' of philosophy. Heidegger saw faith as the asphyxiation of epistemic and phenomenological challenges that formed one's existential Being. Faith is a dirty word in the field of philosophy; 'blind faith' is a cancer to the freedom of questioning. According to Heidegger, Christianity and faith is somewhat of a contradiction. Christian theology is a positive science because theology employs conceptual interpretative tools to make sense of God and metaphysics.
This is similar to the point made by Pope Benedict, as relayed by Father Fessio:
Christianity can engage modernity just like it did...the Jews did Egypt, or Christians did to Greece, because we can take what's good there, and we can elevate it through the revelation of Christ in the Bible.
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