Thursday, January 05, 2006

Heaven has a nice meaty post on Heidegger and poetry.
[I]n Heideggerian philosophy, the poet is the revelator, or the ‘unveiler.’ He is aware of the poetic essence of life. He lives spiritually by dwelling in destitution and in his poems embraces the revelation of the inexhaustible, perpetual moment. He casts off all explanation and philosophies, or theories, to find peace outside the realms of meaning and value. He does not present life as a value, and endeavours to rescue language from purpose, to create a space for the activity, or non-activity, of dwelling. Poetry and dwelling are intrinsically connected. The poet uses words and empty spaces, or gaps, to present the miracle of being: how something ‘is’ and how intense the very fact of its existence is.
This is the best looking MSN Spaces post I've seen. I guess it's only the default blog format that's so awful and impossible to read.
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