Monday, January 02, 2006

Paul Bray's BLOG notes how the
emphasis on attunement harkens back to both Pythagoras (whom some would identify as the true founder of the Hermetic tradition) and to Biblical (In the beginning was the word - that is to say, sound) and to Vedic traditions. The latter position has been revived in modern thought by Heidegger.
I've received The Illustrated To Think Like God about Pytharogas, Xenophanes, and Parmenides. Haven't read it yet, but its very pretty, with pictures from neglected Orientalist paintings and the Greek ruins at Velia (Elea). A spot I'd recommend to anyone that wants to get away from the beaten touristy path. An hour south of the temple of Poseidon at Paestum--the one from The Origin of the Work of Art. Sadly, the book feels incomplete from omitting Heidegger's interpretations of Parmenides.
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