Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Contemplatio, a new journal from Loyola, interviews Thomas Sheehan.
I think we would do well to follow [Heidegger's]
example and simply drop the ontological word “being” (Sein) and
instead use the phenomenological term Anwesen, “meaningful
presence.” The next step is to work out the phenomenological
structure of meaningful presence as such, and then trace it to its
source in human finitude. By and large Heideggerians don’t get
that point. Most of them still think Heidegger’s focal topic was
“being,” even though he clearly denied that it was.
Can Sheehan talk about what MH thinks is an 'unmeaningful presence'?

Is that non-being?
I wouldn't think so. Did MH ever use that phrase? You might be the first to do so.
I was not looking for that mark of distinction.
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