Monday, January 29, 2007

Other Than Being finds that a spoonful of Heidegger helps the Christianity go down.
Faith and reason do not ultimately contradict, but you can't sacrifice one for the other. Nor can you base on on the other, certainly not reduce one to the other.

Just as suddenly and subtly you find yourself remembering an old insight from Heidegger's What is called Thinking. Heidegger writes that although the sciences calculate and analyze, they do not think because they forget the ground on which they are based. Science and observation would not be possible except that being gave itself over for observation. There is... something there, and why should it be there? Science has no answer, we merely take for granted that there is, es gibt, da sein.

Okay, this is not a fully-reclaimed faith yet; Heidegger does not one a Christian make. But, Heidegger does drag you back to another ethos, where mystery is not code for not-yet-solved, but rather not-fully-comprehensible and infinitely knowable. Subtly you are back in an ethos where faith in the unseen seems a rational response to the mystery of being.
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