Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Contributions indicates that beyng eludes Dasein, denying it a ground. Claudia Baracchi expands:
What is foreshadowed is the truth of being as Ereignis, as the coming to pass of being-there: "Being [seyn], however, up to now the most general and most current in the shape of beingness, becomes as Ereignis the most unique and most wondrous [or most estranging, Befremdlichste]". Ereignis names being as being-harbored in the coming to pass of beings, for beings are made manifest as "sheltering [Bergung] of the truth of Ereignis". In turn, being-there, "used by being, is said to be that through and as which being eventuates, properly comes into its own, appropriates, that is, comes to pass, takes place (ereignet). The transition from truth as correctness of judgement to truth as the turning of Ereignis is made perspicuous through the recognition of "time" as "the naming of the 'truth' of being [Seins], and all this as a task, as 'on-the-way' ['unterwegs']; not as 'doctrine' and dogmatics".

P. 33
Everything in quotes is from the Contributions.
The 'action' of Ereignis never solidifies into either a ground nor any ontical relation, maybe is clear if Austrag (expropriation) attends Appropriation as a matter of course, as the distancing of the withdrawal of Being so to let Seindes come to stand in the clearing created between Sein and Dasein by the Appropriation of one to the other.

If Appropriation were not attended also by Expropriation, there would maybe be no temporal phenomenon, only the overwhelming appropriation of Being at beings' expense. There would be no appearance if there were no dis-appearance.
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