Friday, February 23, 2007
Tariq Ramadan, as big a threat to democracy as...
To allow Ramadan’s brand of Islamism a platform in the heart of the American academy would be the equivalent of allowing, say, Martin Heidegger or Carl Schmitt to lecture in the United States during the Third Reich. It was the judge who had prosecuted many Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg, Robert H. Jackson, who warned that the Constitution is not a “suicide pact.” It is not incumbent on a democracy to allow its enemies the freedom to subvert its very existence. Tariq Ramadan is just such an enemy.
Tariq has often been touted as the Islamic Luther. However a reading of his English written books indicate that he is more like his grandfathers co mentor Sayyid Qutb but a little more suave. I have begun a study to compare the two and hope to have something available at the end of the year. I have a blog on Sayyid Qutb and Islamists in general that explores Islamists mind set. You may be interested in visiting and contributing to this blog that explores the totality of Qutb and Islam in the form of considered essays.
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