Thursday, March 01, 2007
Thomas Lanagan summarizes.
Sein. The illumining of world through the deployment of the suite of time-spaces historically unfolded through the human existent as interpretative horizons, the possibilities of which are rooted in and fashioning of cultural things and symbols, an natural things as interpreted. The results of past interpretative illuminings of Sein in the form of the concrete possibilities of the already having been (das Gewesene) are handed on principally through the enculturation of new generation of Dasein, whose natural faith is molded by the anonymous average them (das Man), passing on traditions and language inauthentically, governing the way epochs continue to come to be through intersubjective interpretation (Mitsein). Seinsgeschichte (history of Sein) means the suite of epochs growing out of the dialectical relationships between the brute facticity of the in-itself (the ontic, including the cultural forms embedded in transformed natural carriers) and the sense-making activity of the interpretation (the ontological). These are not to be confused; the thinker should not forget this ontological difference between Sein and Seienden. As these interpenetrate, the socially shared interpretative horizons account for what is allowed to stand in the attention of our individual and collective dealings with the world. The facticity responds, by presencing within the opened space-time and by being altered by man's action, to become a guide to future cooperative interpretation and action.

P. 320-321
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