Monday, April 30, 2007
Martin Heidegger and a Seminar Participant discuss why you are not a table.
MH Then how is the human being in space? Does the human being only occupy space, or am I in space in a different way?
SP I use my place. I sit.
MH Does the table sit? What does "it sits" mean?
SP I can take different positions in space....The human being fills up space.
MH So does the table....When I refer to the human being, I am already referring to space too.
SP The human being and space belong to each other.
MH How? Space also belongs to the table.
SP The human being is able to comport himself toward space.
MH He is always comporting himself [toward something].
SP Space belongs to the human being's essential characteristics. I comport myself toward things in space, therefore, also toward space. Space is open to the human being.
MH For the table too.
SP I'm already in this space in which I move.
MH I walk by occupying space. The table does not occupy space in the same way. The human being makes space for himself. He allows space to be. An example: When I move, the horizon recedes. The human being moves within a horizon. This does not only mean to transport one's body.

P. 15-16
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