Monday, May 28, 2007

Zebaoth on the underreported Heidegger-Lovecraft connection.
That's how I feel about my project about the 'Metaphysics of Nothingness' right now. I'm sure Heidegger was brilliant but the more I read the more I'm sure he was insane too, but still I'm sure he's on to something and it really is incredible interesting...

To you concerned souls out there, no I'm not getting more insane than I ever was. I was just reminded of some of those Cthulhu-stories and so that idea wouldn't interfere with the rest of my evening of working, I thought it better to get it out of my system.
I've wondered about those references to the "Call of Beyng" myself.
Reminds me of that time while studying Being and Time for a month. I kept dreaming I was in a long dark hallway writing the text in some unknown tongue as kind of translation project. I fear one day we'll discover some ancient temple with Being and Time translated in this language. Or maybe it was just German...

(Apologies if folks aren't familiar with some of Lovecraft's famous stories)
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