Sunday, June 03, 2007

Coury says maidens on the mind keep western professional thinkers from pondering the full profundity.
Guhyasamaja tantra explains it very profoundly and in a very fine language, a language very unique and aspired by many great western philosophers-metaphysicians. Heidegger says that language is a transcendental horizon for which throughout his life he longed for. Later, Derrida in his margins of philosophy said about him that there is a certain kind of nostalgia in Heidegger, the hope that being could find its true expression in one word. Even Derrida took language as highest philosophy and profoundly meditated in his book. on grammatology. Indian mystic philosophers had reached the limit of language thousand years back in Sutra language. In sutras they preached the profoundest truths. Forty verses of Guhyasamaja tantra is written in a very mystical and profound language; its each verse is formed by taking one varna of evam maya srutam thus interpreting the real intent of the secret verse. This flight of language would not have come into existence if Tantriks had been involved in Sexual pleasure.
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