[M]uch as Heidegger noted in Being and Time, one doesn't notice objects of gear until they break down and cease being functional; so, as long as you're rocking hard and hitting all of the 1/8ths, 1/16ths, and 1/32nds as the tabs are flying at you, people don't realize that you're playing a keytaur. Phenomenologically speaking, you are a Guitar Hero; when you rock, the keytaur looks just enough like a guitar for everyone to interact with and phenomenally relate to the experience as someone ripping apart a bitching guitar standard.The keytaur is less prone to string breakage than real guitars, never goes out of tune, and you don't have to develop your pinkie muscles to reach those 7th chords, thus deferring those intrusive present-at-hand self-conscious-at-the-simulacrum moments, as such.