Heidegger ultimately goes beyond, or radically steps back before, the name "being" (Sein) for this most originary event of needing/using/giving, and speaks rather of the "It" which gives as Ereignis. Ereignis is said to be "richer than any possible metaphysical definition of being" (GA 12:248-49/129). And yet, the dynamic relation between the correspondence of man and the Brauchen of being (now Ereignis) is carried over: "Ereignis appropriates [Ereignet] man to its own Needful-usage [Brauch]" (249/130). As the "within itself oscillating realm" which holds man and being together in holding them apart, Ereignis "needs" man's corresponsive thinking. Indeed, Heidegger's very thought of Ereignis as Er-eignis means to build onto the structure of this realm oscillating within itself" (ID 102/37-38). Man receives the "tools" (Bauzeug) for this building from language, as "the most delicate and thus the most susceptible oscillation holding everything within the hovering structure of Ereignis" (102/38). In thinking, man both draws on and gives back to language as the house of being. It is this non-willing relational interplay that is named Ereignis, as the event of mutual appropriation between man and being. Topologically thought, the Ereignen of Es gibt/Es brauchet is the regioning of the open-region of non-willing within which man cor-responds by way of his most proper fundamental attunement of Gelassenheit.