In this process truth as unconcealedness completely changes its essence as well, and comes to mean a mere declaration or statement; and form the various ways in which things can be declared are the categories (κατηγορεῖν, "to accuse") of Aristotle created. And thus it is that metaphysics can become a mere theory of categories. The Logos has completely parted company with Physis. Statement has come to be the arbiter over the being of things. And with the transformation from Physis to εἶδος and Logos to κατηγορία the original or primordial (ursprünglich) revelation of the being of things has been completely set aside in favor of the correct (Richtige). It is in this sense, as Heidegger says in his article on Aristotle's concept of Physis, that the Meta-physics of Aristotle is in a completely essential sense nothing more than his Physics. Being is rendered subjects to the categories in accordance with a falsified Logos of logic, and then applied to all things.Continued.
Nevertheless, this transformation from Physis to Idea or statement find the inner ground of its possibility in the change in the every essence of truth as the unconcealed to truth as the merely correct. There was a reciprocal process of degeneration which took place here. The original meaning both of truth and of being were misinterpreted. And each further misinterpretation of the one only served further to falsify the other, until logic came to dominate over all and being vanished in a puff of smoke.