Wednesday, January 09, 2008
{9} The Western Tradition of Philosophy continued.
However, Physis is an "emerging holding away" (aufgehende Walten) has two sides to it. As contrasted with becoming (Werden), it is a standing presence (ständige Anwesenheit), a permanent presence. But as contrasted with appearance (Schein als das Erscheinen), it has to connotation of a revealing presence (offenbare Anwesenheit). On this latter score Heidegger, somewhat outrageously, etymologizes that the φυ- of φύσις. And thus the Physis of the Greeks also had the meaning of a "coming forth into the light" (ins Licht aufgehende), the root sense of Physis in this context meaning to light up, to shine, and thus to appear. And in another passage Heidegger states that the two word stems φα- and φυ- really mean the same thing, namely, being. Being reveals itself to the Greeks as Physis, but both as the emerging dominance which abides (aufgehendverweilende Walten) and as the appearing appearance (scheinende Erscheinen). In Heidegger's view there is no opposition between appearance and being for the Greeks.

Another Greek word for being which Heidegger uses in order to help him better understand the Greek notion of being is the word παρουσία (παρ- and ἀπουσία); and this he translates by the German word Anwesen. Thus his characterization of the fundamental meaning of being for the Greeks as Anwesenheit (presence). And the appearance of being as this presencing of the present ("Anwesen des Anwesenden"), as this presence of the presenting ("Präsenz des Präsenten") marks the beginning of occidental history. It is this meaning of being which guarantees that authentic thinking on being can only be a "leap in the dark" (Sprung ins Dunkle).
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