Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wozu Dichter?

One phenomenologist has a coughing fit.
Another begins to insist on the limitations of the text.
Tautologies, enigmata, drift in like an autumn.
The Seinsfrage is growing haggard.
Uncombed hair. Rough and cranky,
rubbing its eyes,
trying to make the Greek temple visible.
It bends forward; it takes tiny notes.
The color as color, the stone as stome.
Small syllables escape it.
"Scaredness is what is at issue."
Never mind the Greek temples
were butcher shops. What is at issue is,
there are two ways to visit Assisi.
One is naïve.
One loves Giotto. That is,
a being is inclined
to place itself
in front of another. (Except,
where we have to deal with crypto-Hegelians.
A crypto-Hegelian will try
to place himself behind Hegel.)
That is,
one is prior to two. (Of course,
the reverse is also true.)
From Anne Carson's Canicula di Anna

Temple of Poseidon, Paestum

Giotto - St. Francis Preaches to the Birds
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