Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Wozu Dichter?

A phenomenologist from Louvain-la-Neuve
is telling us what Heidegger thought during the winter term of 1935.
There was an interrogation of art.
There was circle to be made.
Anna was nowhere in question. And yet
all was not perfect. He warns
of a mistranslation (read "essence"
for "nature"). He moves his feet
on the marble floor.
The phenomenologist
has blood red feet.
An attack.
He confronts the circle in Heidegger
with the circle in Hegel.
On the blue-black marble
his flushed feet confront
the beautiful white feet of Christ.
What is at issue,
The phenomenologist from Louvain tells us,
is a surplus. The other
phenomenologists are growing restless.
"It is too easy to say
Ich bin ich. It is too easy
to let these hot feet presuppose
the cool feet of Christ."
From Anne Carson's Canicula di Anna

Vannucci - Adoration of the Magi (detail)
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