Wednesday, February 27, 2008
In December, 1953, Heidegger stayed at the Protestant Academy at Hofgeismar. Hermann Noack reported on a conversation Heidegger had with the professors there.
A difference of views came to light surrounding the meaning of an "historical event" for the ontological understanding of Dasein; or, in terms of Heidegger's later thought, there was a difference of opinion concerning the meaning of an "historical destining disclosure of Being," such as "the forgetfulness of Being" of metaphysics and the "turn about" in the "thinking of the truth of Being." I therefore asked Heidegger how the historicity of the historical destining disclosure of Being relates to the factual (and historically knowable) history of humans. He answered that the historical destining disclosure of Being, i.e., the "manifestness" or "unconcealment" of a meaning of "being" at a particular time, always precedes, "as if it were on dove's feet" (Nietzsche), the factual history. This he elucidated by discussing the fate of translations of the Greek work theoria. The transformation of meaning which was attached to the various translations was not the "cause" of the basic changes in philosophical thinking but rather was already a symptom of the ontological-historical transformation in the understanding of Being. And this owes its origin not to human ideas but to the "clearing" of Being itself which defines Da-sein. It is this which also always opens up the space of human freedom in which failure, neglect, and going astray take place.

Pp. 67-68
So the collective noun for a group of views is difference; "a difference of views". It makes sense when you think about it.
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