Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Jean-Luc Nancy and ontological priorities, from a review of his reading of Claire Denis’s Beau travail.
In The Inoperative Community, Nancy argues that the problem of being has been thought predominantly in isolation from the question of community. For Nancy, the demand of community is the blindspot of Western metaphysics. Nancy criticises Heidegger’s Being and Time for positing Dasein before Mitsein, as it appears to assert atomised existence before the ‘with’ of community. Contra Heidegger, Nancy argues that being cannot pre-exist in itself: the Mit- does not come to qualify the sein, rather the Mit- or ‘with’ of being is that which constitutes being itself. For Nancy, being must be thought first and foremost in terms of what he calls ‘being-with’ (‘l’être-avec’) or ‘being-incommon’ (‘l’être-en-commun’). Nancy thus reverses the order of the Heideggerian existential structure, proposing the originary ‘with’ of community as the background against which being demands to be thought, the ‘with’ continually interrupting any ontological claim to self-presence or atomised identity.
I've always wondered how influenced by Levinas Nancy was (or vice versa). I have to confess I've never directly read Nancy (and don't even know if there are good English collections available). Yet from what I've read there are certain similarities. (Interestingly Derrida who obviously has a lot of affinities with Levinas was very influenced by Nancy as well)
I first across Nancy in the interviews in The Ister movie. Some of his lectures at the European Graduate School are online.
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