Thursday, June 12, 2008
Michel Haar on dismissing the question of Being.
...Heidegger completely abandons the Hegelian model when he says that the history of Being has ended and that it is necessary to "to leave metaphysics to itself." Metaphysics is well and truly dismissed. It is necessary to leave even the thought of Being, to cross out Being (to write it under erasure), because "the history of Being is the history of metaphysics, and nothing else." Ereignis is not a new name for Being. With the awakening to Ereignis, Heidegger says, the oblivion of Being "overcomes itself": "die Seinsvergessenheit 'hebt' sich 'auf.'" This placing of "Aufhebung" between quotation marks is at the very least surprising! All the more as Heidegger adds: "Now the veiling does not veil itself anymore; on the contrary, it is to this veiling that the attention of thought applies itself"! Since veiling makes up an integral part of the essence of truth, or oblivion an integral part of the manifestation of Being, it is necessary to conclude (the abandonment or "crossing out" of Being would confirm it) that the question of Being is itself what would turn out to be dismissed.

P. 55
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