Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mormon Metaphysics on the transformation of Husserl's categories.
Nearly as interesting are Heidegger’s use of Husserl’s noematic obejctivity, noesis and making present. These three categories of Husserl are roughly the content-meaning or intentional object, the relational meaning or manner of intending, and enactment-meaning or performance or temporalizing-meaning.
With Heidegger’s appropriation of Husserl these become world, care and temporalizing. This transformation occurs because Husserl is caught up in only a kind of theoretical knowledge or knowledge as only present-at-hand. For Heidegger or engagement with things is much more than an idealized theoretical stance and those engagements must be brought into philosophy. In the much later Heidegger, according to van Buren content-meaning, relational meaning and temporalizing meaning then become the Fourfold (earth, sky, gods and mortals), poetic dwelling and the destiny of being.
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