Thursday, September 18, 2008
A. N. Wilson, narrates as the personal secretary of Siegfried Wagner, in the story of Siegfried's wife Winnie and Wolf.
My fried from university days, who had helped me with my own thesis and was about to become a philosopher of fame, Martin H--------, thought that the problems of knowledge were not 'problems' at all; that the 'problem' stemmed from Plato who had set the whole of Western philosophy on a wild-goose chase with the observer, the human mind or eye or senses as subject taking in the object - the external reality. The Greek philosophers who were earlier than Plato, the pre-Socratics, had in common with some of the great texts of Hinduism and Buddhism not made this distinction. The real mystery was Being itself and we were all, observers and observed, part of this 'Being'. (I think Martin H-------- derived some of his earliest thoughts about all this from Schopenhauer, whom Richard Wagner claimed to be the guide of his second phase of life.)

P. 23
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