Thursday, September 25, 2008
How useful is the later Heidegger for understanding Plotinus? One response:
To discuss the meaning of Ereignis further really falls out of the scope of Neoplatonism and discussion of mystical experiences. I understand that late Heidegger is often characterized as 'mystical' - but this is usually because people fail to understand his language then impose any interpretative device (such as comparative studies), or they consider his early interest in Duns Scotus and Eckhart as the main basis of interpretion of his work, or they did not have access to the development of his language in his 'private' works of the 30's, such as Beitraege, which (by his request) was not published in German until 1989, and translated in English in 1999, His 1962 essay, "Time and Being" for instance makes little sense without going back to his introduction of Ereignis in the 30's.
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