Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hijinks from Jacques Rivette's comedy Va Savoir.
Pierre and Camille meet in the park.
"I'm happy to see you."
"Won't you sit?"
"Did you publish your thesis?"
"No, it's really a stale thesis."
"It goes on for years."
"I'm not done with the old bugger."
"You remember?"
"I think I even remember the title."
"A bit compIicated..."
"'Heidegger' coma 'the pre-Socratic to the new German thought'. More or less."
"The title has changed. It's shorter. 'Heidegger, the jealous one'."
"Isn't it?"

Later Pierre and Sonia work on his texts.
"I printed the Iast modifications."
"I was about to reread it, before dumping it."
"Very funny. I read it."
"And...first a kiss. It's good."
"You think so, or is it to encourage me?"
"To encourage you to sort it out."
"How do you find yourseIf in this mess?"
"And what does it mean, Gelassenheit?"
"So, why don't you put 'impassivity'?"
"There is a history of impassivity, 'by which man became an animal open to the world,' etc..."
"It's still incomprehensibIe, but less..."
"Less pretentious, you're right."
"I'll fix and reprint it? With the German word in parentheses."
"I love you."
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