Friday, February 20, 2009

The Boy Next Door (Birthday Party reference) on Heidegger and life.
As Heidegger says we are thrown into the world. The world conditions us from day one. The set of ideas and the set of material conditions which prevail when we enter the world effect our development. Our choices are constrained. In effect the Nietzschean ubermench has choices to make within a world that limits them from day one. He may not simply follow others but his consciousness must nonetheless interact with a world which is the result of the work, thought, and experiences of all his forebearers. No one can have eternal or perfect freedom or anything else for that matter. As Heidegger teaches, truth as an absolute, as an essence is a fallacy, we have inherited from Plato and Socrates. Truth is rather a relational concept for us human beings in our efforts to live our lives.
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