Thursday, April 23, 2009
The forces of control take down Heidegger en castellano. Press release here. Who's next?
The press release link is down. What's the deal?
This line, along the bottom of the Heidegger en castellano home page,
"Este sitio ha sido desactivado debido a una acción judicial iniciada por la
"This site has been turn off due to a judicial action initiated by the ARGENTINIAN BOARD ON THE BOOK."

I see that Jacques Derrida has linked to the Derrida en castellano and Heidegger en castellano support group. Good for him. But I'm not on Facebook so I can't follow the link.

This post talks about the mirrors springing up.

Reading some Spanish blogs, it's unclear to me if the two sites had their content removed by the authorities, or if the site owner received complaints about specific copyrighted works, and shut down the entire sites in protest. The
Nietzsche en castellano site continues to operate.
Press release link is working again.
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