Monday, April 13, 2009
I went to a talk on metaphysics by Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback today, at a local university. It was on the who of being - human projected metaphysics. She started with Hölderlin's "What is the life of man?" poem, the Michael Hamburger translation. Here's the less stilted Richard Sieburth translation:
What is the life of man? An image of divinity.
As they all wander beneath the sky, mortals
Look to it. As if reading
A scripture, men imitate infinity
And riches. Well, is the simple
Sky rich? Silver clouds are in fact
Like flowers. Yet rain down
Dew and damp. But when the simple
Blue is effaced, the sky,
Mat as marble, shines like ore,
Indicating riches.

P. 213
The talk referenced B&T, What is Metaphysics?, On the Essence of Ground, and Schelling on the image in the light. I didn't get a copy of the handout, but my notes lead me to look this up.
Projecting as this revealing that pertains to making-possible is the proper occurrence of that distinction 'between' being and beings. The projection is the irruption into this 'between' of the distinction. It first makes possible the terms that are distinguished in their distinguishability. The projection unveils the being of beings. For this reason it is, as we may say in borrowing a word from Schelling, the look into the light of a possible making-possible [Lichtblick ins Mögliche-Ermöglichende] in generaL The look into the light tears darkness as such along with it, gives the possibility of that dawning of the everyday in which at first and for the most part we catch sight of beings, cope with them, suffer from them, and enjoy ourselves with them. The look into the light of the possible makes whatever is projecting open for the dimension of the 'either/or', the 'both/and', the 'in such a way', and the 'otherwise', the 'what', the 'is' and 'is not'. Only insofar as this irruption has occurred do the 'yes' and 'no' and questioning become possible. The projection raises us away into and thus unveils the dimension of the possible in general, and what is possible is in itself already articulated into possibly 'being in such a way or otherwise', into the possibility of 'being or not being'. Why this is the case, however, we cannot discuss here.

What we presiously pointed out as individual characteristics have now been unveiled as originarily interwoven into the unity of the primordial structure of projection in a unitary manner. In projection there occurs the letting-prevail of the being of beings in the whole of their possible binding character in each case. In projection world prevails.

Pp. 364-5
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