Monday, June 29, 2009
It's not where you publish, but who reads and cites you. How to rank published papers.
In his 2005 article, Hirsch introduced the h-index (named after himself, of course). The key was focusing not on where you published but on how many times other researchers cited your work. In practice, you take all the papers you've published and rank them by how many times each has been cited. Say paper number one has been cited 10,000 times. Paper number two, 8,000 cites. Paper number 32 has 33 citations, but number 33 has received just 28. You've published 32 papers with more than 32 citations—your h-index is 32.
Basically a PageRank algorithm that includes paper journals, from the olde pre-web days. Today, if your paers are not online, you're nobody - only Polyphemus cares about your work.
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