Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Simon Critchley has a new column in the Guardian, Being and Time, part 1: Why Heidegger matters.
[B]ecause of his political commitment to National Socialism in 1933, when he assumed the position of Rector of Freiburg University in south-western Germany, Heidegger continues to arouse controversy, polemic and much heated misunderstanding.
When you consider that physicists don't have polemics about Heisenberg's politics, the controversy mainly says more about "philosophers" than about Being and Time.

In any case, we live in interesting times when an Anglo newspaper has a eight part series on Being and Time.
I would say it says more about Physicists that they are not interested in Heisenberg's politics.
Right. Physicists are interested in Heisenberg's physics. Physicists who disagree with Heisenberg's physics, explain why in scientific terms. I don't find them writing: "Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is wrong because Heisenberg was a Nazi."

There are philosophers who engage with Heidegger's way of thinking, and agree or disagree. Then there are "philosophers" for whom political correctness trumps thinking.
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