Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The TLS has some interesting quotes on embodiment from Feuerbach and Nietzsche.
They should listen to Feuerbach, writing in 1843: 'whereas the old philosophy started by saying, 'I am an abstract and merely a thinking being, to whose essence the body does not belong', the new philosophy, on the other hand, begins by saying, 'I am a real sensuous being and, indeed, the body in its totality is my self (Ich), my essence itself''; or to Nietzsche, in the 1880s:

'I am body entirely, and nothing else; and 'soul' is only a word for something about the body. The body is a great intelligence . . . . Your little intelligence, my brother, which you call 'spirit', is . . . an instrument of your body . . . . You say 'I' and you are proud of this word. But greater than this – although you will not believe in it – is your body and its great intelligence, which does not say 'I' but performs 'I' . . . . Behind your thoughts and feelings, my brother, stands a mighty commander, an unknown sage – he is called Self. He lives in your body, he is your body'.
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