Sunday, July 12, 2009
Heidelberg Thingplatz.
A Thing is an term for the ancient gatherings of Norse and Germanic tribes in an outdoor setting,
Outdoor areas called Thingstätte (Thingplatz, singular) were constructed on or near sites that had historical or mythical significance, and were made to look as natural as possible. Thingstätte were modeled from ancient Greek theaters to strengthen the link to the past

Martin Heidegger:
Our language denotes what a gathering is by an ancient word. That word is: thing. The jug's presencing is the pure, giving gathering of the onefold fourfold into a single time-space, a single stay. The jug presences as a thing. The jug is the jug as a thing. But how does the thing presence? The thing things.

Pp. 173-4
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