Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Being and Truth's (August 22) cover unveiled.

He's looking miffed because he flunked the audition for a role in The Great Dictator.
He's an intense looking mensch--then so was Nietzsche (or nazis for that matter..I wager MH knew the baddies--Goering , Himmler from Munich area...maybe Der Fuhrer hisself? ). Heidegger's southern german, Bavarian-- the language more like swiss-german . ...Allemaigne as it was known, even in Caesar's time--swabians. They're not teutons--rather more gaullish---the Black Forest area conquered by Franks early on. Heidegger was a cradle catholic, like most southern germans. Heidegger seems a bit of a provincial really--parish priest in love with classical greeks....
I know about the goths and ostro-goths from Asterix and the Goths, but I never read Asterix and the Swabians, so I never learned how to stereotype them. And telling the Allemaigne from Tedesche, I haven't a clue. Teutons? Bloody easterners. Now the Gauls, they were proper Celts. Unlike those other tribes, all of them crazy in their own peculiar ways, just like the Romans, by Totatis.
Heh. A great old comic--Asterix was gaul/celtic right? taking on imperial Rome... Not goth...I considered goths teutons, but others say they are more eastern...

there were many tribes of course, the Allemanni--the area of the black forest up to Munchen, etc--were the primary germanic people the romans had to contend with after getting across the Alps. That's Heidegger's land . Swabian, suevi were their cousins, more or less. The franks conquered it fairly early--500 AD, tho' some argue the franks themselves were germanic (tho' language from latin). The western and central european peoples from the alps like to ireland were mainly gauls, though with mixture (even from Huns, who ransacked southern germany for a few years...one might see sort of turkish-looking germans in Munich...). But around Berlin, scandanavia, goths and teutons, saxons (not to say viking raiders)--nasty pagans that were not christianized until late, 13th century or so, and even then some weren't. Charlemagne wanted to make the northern germans tribute, but couldn't defeat them and stopped somewhere west of Berlin...
From what I remember from Caeser's Gallic Wars, the Gauls were the Celtic tribes between the Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Rhine.

Apropos this Euro tribalism, I recall my grandmother was delighted when she saw the birthmark at the base of my spine. She said it meant I was a Lusitani. My other three grandparents were born further north, in Gallaecia.
yes, you are correct. The Gauls were to the west,ie france; allemannic tribes were on east side of the Rhine--ie Bavaria, more or less--Caesar calls them allemanni, doesn't he? (Aleman still the word for german in spanish). Yet there was intermixture, certainly by the time of the Frankish kings.

There existed something like a european culture, apart from the romans, early on. The legends of the Ring of the Niebelung for instance was known by germans, danes, goths, saxons, etc.--with the Rhineland as the base for myths, as Wagner knew--that may seems trite or disneyesque now, but Wagner wanted to break with the latin-culture--and semitic culture (ie judeo-christianity)-- to a large extent, and create anew (tho' late in life returned to the Cross, as Nietzsche barked). Another reason for that was I believe the german philologists (including Schopenhauer) who discovered the roots of german (and latin, greek, etc) in sanskrit. The indo-european language came from like...the Vedas, percolated to the greeks, and romans, to goths--that had little or nothing to do with grubby old tales of the old testament, or the insectoid nightmares of ancient Egypt. Or something like that.
And the Italians call the Germans Tedeschi.

Wikipedia has a long page on "List of terms used for Germans". It says the Bavarian have an offensive term for folks born north of the river Main (non-Swabian, non-Bavarian Germans): Saupreiß, meaning sow-Prussian.

So much diversity to celebrate there.
Yeah. The northerners don't care for southern germans either--they consider the southerners peasants (or frenchies). Swab itself a pejorative I believe. Really two different groups of people (or more)--the southern german sounds different too. I travelled a bit in Deutschland, including Rhineland and found the southerners, like around Munich friendlier, not as cold or stoical as north...but just a generalization... the Rhineland itself fairly sophisticated and catholic in a sense. In the farmland in a few dozen miles away from the cities still quite rural-- the blood of the Wehrmacht, for better or worse. I'd prefer a wanderjahr in the Rhineland over frenchy, anglo or even italian journeys, any day. France is no longer France really, except for the wealthy..Im not like to LePen like thoughts...yet
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