Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A guide to the matrix of the Heideggerian paradigm, from Lee Braver's A Thing of This World.
Historical Phenomenological Ontology (HPO): “There is Being only in this or that particular historical character: physis, logos, en, idea, energeia, Substantiality, Objectivity, Subjectivity, the Will, the Will to Power, the Will to Will. . . . The manner in which it, Being, gives itself, is itself determined by the way in which it clears itself. This way, however, is a historic, always epochal character” (Pp. 66–67).

Mutual Interdependence (MI): “The fundamental idea of my thinking is exactly that Being, relative to the manifestation of Being, needs man and, conversely, man is only man in so far as he stands within the manifestation of Being. . . . One cannot pose a question about Being without posing a question about the essence of man” (Heidegger, Martin Heidegger in Conversation, P. 40).

Impersonal Conceptual Scheme (ICS): “The thinking that proceeds from Being and Time, in that it gives up the word ‘meaning of being’ in favor of ‘truth of being,’ henceforth emphasizes the openness of being itself, rather than the openness of Dasein in regard to this openness of being. This signifies ‘the turn,’ in which thinking always more decisively turns to being as being” (P. 47).

Unmooring: “For Hegel, there rules in history necessity. . . . For Heidegger, on the other hand, one cannot speak of a ‘why.’ Only the ‘that’—that the history of Being is in such a way—can be said” (P. 52).
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