Saturday, May 22, 2010
Iran's Seyyed Hossein Nasr explains what's up.
What about the West? At least speaking about philosophy, it seems the West is passing through a kind of paralysis also.
The West is now undergoing a very, very severe intellectual crisis. The reason why people are not aware of it is because of the power of technology and the military might of the West. It is like the end of the Roman Empire. As long as the Roman legends were leading in Libya, nobody thought that something was wrong. It is a very similar situation. Western philosophy is now at a dead end. Even Heidegger said, Western philosophy ends with me. There is a philosophical crisis and a religious crisis as a result of that. After that comes the environmental crisis, which is not solved unless the West changes completely the way it lives, its worldview, and they don’t want to do it. So they use cosmetics all the time. Look at the Gulf of Mexico now. It is a great tragedy of human history. Nobody wants to talk about it. So the West is also experiencing a very, very large crisis, and I’d say it is suicide for us to try to blindly copy the West at this stage.
Are you muslim, Herr Enowning?

I suspect some scholars have probably interpreted Heideggerian ontology as it relates to Islam--. Many westerners don't realize that many muslim scholars, at least initially, were often well-read in the greek philosophers and early scientists and mathematicians . There's a long-standing divide between the muslim clerics, such as Avicenna (I recently wrote something regarding ibn Sina) and Averroes, who upheld something like rational theology--allowing, say Aristotelian logic or neo-platonism to some degree, with some reservations over the...pagan aspects of the greeks--and the muslim mystics who rejected greek rationalism, humanism, if not western science as a whole, and insisted the Koran was sufficient (Al Ghazali the usual example).

Heidegger may not be the most apt representative of greek rationalism anyway--he's not exactly proceeding via categorical logic, euclidian axioms, or even platonic dialogues. But perhaps some clever philo-person could see a type of Islamic occasionalism in Dasein...(and/or the flaws thereof--occasionalism certainly as problematic as rational theology via Aquinas-Aristotelian tradition...).

However quaint and obscure Ibn Sina may seem, his writing seems like Reason itself compared to the school of Al Ghazali (which is I believe one of the orthodox sunni schools)--and the ideas of both ibn Sina and ibn Rushd (Averroes) were featured in western textbooks--usually medicine--even until modern era.
Hi, I am from Australia.

This extraordinary Enlightened Sage affirms that Western philosophy, "religion" and "culture" is very much at a dead end.

As indeed is Islamic and all other cultures too.

These two references introduce His assessment of the situation.



But how can the necessary changes occur? Especially as all of the old "answers" just reinforce the consensus "reality" which has created the situation.

Where does one find the red pill that will permanently cleanse the doors of perception?


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