Sunday, June 20, 2010
MoroccoBoard explains something about anti-semitism.
Equally, the Vichy regime, following on the principles set about by Fichter, introduced a law which denaturalised some 15,000 Jews between June 1940 to August 1944, resulting in their subsequent arrests and a secured ticket to the concentration camps and the gas chamber. To lessen the blow, Martin Heidegger became a heroe because Hannah Arendt and Elisabeth Blockmann were his students and lovers, and at least helped Blochmann to leave Germany, and therefore his role with the Nazis was less important when also another two giants added their mild criticism and both Emmanuel Lévinas and Karl Löwith, considered that his actions were only immoral and showed that his thoughts were deficient, like any other human being or he had the vision to predict that Israel’s ideas are in line with the immorality of Zionism. He might have been immoral like confirming that Zionism is only immoral and deficient in outlook which it is, but also evil. Nevertheless, Heidegger was the first European most important philosopher of existentialism, after the great Muslim philosophers Averroes and Mullah Sadra’s in ‘existence precedes essence’, hence the foundation of existentialism, several centuries before it evolved in Western philosophy. Mullah Sadra represents, for Muslim philosophy in the XVIIth century the breakthrough introduced by Martin Heidegger centuries later. Heidegger knew very well what he was doing and saying, just like the Zionists, Hitler or Mussolini. However, Löwith, was more critical in Meaning of History (Löwith, Karl, Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949) about the Christian faith and the making of history which is distorted by faith and modern historicism which are neither Christian nor pagan, though Lévinas, came to regret his mild criticism and enthusiasm for Heidegger when he declared in one of his lectures “One can forgive many Germans, but there are some Germans it is difficult to forgive. It is difficult to forgive Heidegger.” As it is difficult to forgive Zionists and their pen pushers like Israel and his second rate analysis.

Unlike Löwith’s denial of Christian history, the facts of Moroccan history cannot be denied or changed by anyone and Raphael Israeli should read more about history, or perhaps, he is still carrying the swastika in his bag as a momentum from his master Hitler and cannot part with it, it became part of his trauma and psychologically, Freud would say, cannot live without it, the most inhuman sign that ever existed, he shows the same contempt shown by Hitler whose last wish was to die a Jew, and therefore, there would be one less Jew in the world, is Israel wishing for the same thing?
Clearly these folks partake in an alternative narrative.
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