Monday, September 20, 2010
Alex Pasternack, on who's your friend, from Huffington Post.
But while we’re being all meta (in that Ancient vein), let’s appreciate a certain elegance to the boringness of the article, which is essentially about the boringness of who Zuckerberg appears to be. Appears to be because that’s all we have to go on: who knows what he’s really like? And for that matter, who knows what anyone is really like?

But wait: isn’t the virtue of Facebook – like the rest of the Internet, like all of our technologies: to provide tools for revealing to us the truth of the world and the people in it? In his essay “The Question Concerning Technology,” Heidegger summons the Ancient Greek origin of techne to describe technology as methods and skills, but a means for getting at true forms and ideas, the “bringing-forth,” from the Greek poiesis. Put this on your Wall:
“Bringing-forth brings out of concealment into unconcealment. Bringing-forth propriates only insofar as something concealed comes into unconcealment. This coming rests and moves freely within what we call revealing [das Entbergen]. The Greeks have the word aletheia for revealing. The Romans translate this with veritas. We say "truth" and usually understand it as correctness of representation.”
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