Monday, September 13, 2010
Chen Mao-qing on "Women as 'Dasein': A Philosophical Approach to Maria Irene Fornes' Fefu and Her Friends".
By considering woman as Dasein, however, we are able to look into the depth of the life of Fefu and her friends and then have a better appreciation of Fornes' work. The play, set in New England in the 1930s, presents women living a highly "inauthentic" life, as they are being on the point of being submerged in the society. They struggle to show their authentic selves that are different from the anonymous crowd, experiencing anxiety and going towards death. In a nut, the characters lead an existence that is quite the same as Dasein does. What should be born in the mind is that Heidegger's Dasein refers to human being regardless of sex, but woman as Dasein needs to be considered in a more specific context.
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