Friday, September 10, 2010

All Things Shining (Sean Kelly) on the Geschick of being.
Heidegger ends the final lecture of the course [The Principle of Reason] with a passage that seems more clearly to articulate his positive proposal. He derives it from Heraclitus’ account of the aion as a child at play. Aion in Greek is standardly translated as “epoch” or “age”, but Heidegger assimilates it directly to the “Geschick of being”. The suggestion is something like that history plays instead of develops.
I seem to recall that the dance of the fourfold is also described as the play of the fourfold.

But what occurred to me as I read this comment was the struggle I put in with Derrida's interpretation of H's essay on gender where the effort explores possibilities for understanding how an essential one might evolve multiple genders.

The best summary I could manage was to describe such evolution as the one having lost its way. Maybe the one playing would also satisfy as an oversimplified summary.
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