Thursday, September 16, 2010

O'Neill's Philosophy Page hosts Rorty on making philosophy pertinent.
[I]n Being and Time Heidegger managed to package Kierkegaardian and Nietzschean thoughts in a jargon that made them sound like respectable philosophical doctrines, rather than mere literary conceits. By imposing a quasi-Kantian, professional-sounding form on Kierkegaardian and Nietzschean content, Heidegger helped make it possible for philosophers to be much more interesting to literary intellectuals than either Carnap or Husserl thought they had any business to be. He thereby founded the tradition that analytic philosophers refer to as “Continental philosophy”-a tradition which, in the US, is studied in many humanities departments, but not usually in the philosophy department.
[I]n Being and Time Heidegger managed to package Kierkegaardian and Nietzschean thoughts ....

Id say more K than N. For that matter would K and N sit in the same room (or same metaphysical container)? Unlikely. The philosophy business continually mysticizes Nietzsche, but mystic (ie, immaterialist, for lack of a better term) he was not. Nietzsche the Physiologist was reading Darwin as much as he was Schopenhauer (also taken to be some grand mystic, when his views were more properly called "immanentism" of a type...not unlike certain varieties of hinduism...) --and not accepting Kant (or metaphysics, or osiris forbid theology as did Kierkegaard)... Nietzsche moreover doesn't really detest Hegel as did Soren K. (he respects the ...historical Hegel does he not...probably not completely getting the Logick)
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